Friday, January 18, 2008

Geez! I hate being sick! and food poisoning is the worst! YUK! I feel horrible.

But laying in bed or on the couch gives you lots of time to contemplate life... and although decisions shouldn't be made while you are sick, it doesn't mean that you can't consider things... and make plans.

The time has come for me to thoughtfully consider changes in my life. I seem to be no closer to a permanent job now than I was 5 years ago. I hope that I made the right decision in turning down the position in Kokomo. I wasn't ready for that kind of change at that time, and maybe I should have just closed my eyes and jumped! Because there doesn't seem to be anyone else out there that wants me. Why can't I get a break? I work myself to death and I still can't get ahead!

Then there is the matter of fake friends, you know the kind I'm referring to, the ones who call you only when they want something, but ignore you when you need them... yea, those people... can I say again that I dislike fake friends...

1 comment:

Sunshine said...

We are on the same page here. My resolution was to release the dead weight that I have been carrying with me for many years. It has only been a couple of months, but taking control over toxic relationsips has been liberating and freeing. Realizing you are not a bad person for walking away from those who use you is refreshing. I wish you peace and love in your heart!